Is there a protein that causes hair loss?

Today, there’s no method we can use to prevent gray hair. That’s why many of us dye our hair to mask graying.


On the other hand, people who can’t prevent hair loss apply formulas such as hair transplants in Turkey.


Well, would you be surprised to hear that hair bleaching and hair loss could be prevented in the near future?


In a study conducted in the USA, specific cells were found that directly enable hair to retain its own color and ensure healthy hair growth. This discovery is revolutionary for the prevention of hair loss and graying.


While working on a treatment for a disease called neurofibromatosis, which causes tumors to form on the nerves, scientists discovered the cell that makes hair grow.


Lu Le, a researcher at Texas Southeastern Medical University, said in a statement, “While we were working on a type of tumor at the beginning of the research, when we finished the research, we discovered the cell that makes hair grow.”


He added, “Thanks to this research, in the future we’ll be able to inject the gene into the hair follicles that enables hair growth.” And this treatment could be carried out in parallel with hair transplantation in Istanbul.


In fact, the protein known as KROX20 is closely linked to nerve development. Research in mice has shown that this protein, which is present in hair follicles, stimulates the production of a protein called SCF, which enables hair growth. It was observed that when the protein called KROX20 was removed, hair growth stopped and was replaced by hair loss.


When the SCG gene was removed, it was observed that the hair began to turn gray.


Although the research was done on mice, which are biologically very similar to humans, the same research needs to be tested on humans.


This discovery is very promising, but it will be several years before it becomes a reality.


Researcher Lu Le and his team immediately began human trials.


The research, published in Gènes & Développement, holds great promise for preventing hair loss, which has become a major cosmetic problem for humans.

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